Understanding Infertility

Understanding infertility begins with understanding your body. Infertility is not a disease that is always inherited. Infertility affects many people worldwide and has multiple factors that could be driving its cause.  

Understand fertility and its basics

Fertility is an important factor in family planning and overall health. As such, it’s valuable to gain a basic understanding of how the body works during puberty, menstruation, and Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABM). Being informed on this subject can help individuals make better decisions when trying to prevent pregnancy or become pregnant at their desired time. Additionally, gaining knowledge about infertility in men as well as women can provide insight into potential issues that may arise throughout life stages. All these topics serve to give us clarity around reproduction, so we’re armed with information for whatever journey lies ahead!

General Contributing Factors to Infertility

Causes of infertility are varied, but stress, excessive weight, lack of exercise, lifestyle choices, smoking, alcohol consumption, and poor sleep and mental health can all dramatically influence a person’s ability to conceive.


Puberty is a major period of growth and development in life when hormones surge to cause physical and emotional changes. Generally occurring between ages 8-13 for girls and 10-15 for boys, puberty brings different effects depending on gender.

The Menstrual Cycle

The menstrual cycle is a complex process that occurs over the course of one month in women. It begins with ovulation, as an egg is released from the ovaries and hormones surge to promote changes throughout her body. This includes thickening of the uterine wall, while simultaneously softening and dilating the cervix fluid production increases during this time too – preparing for pregnancy should it occur. If not, all these processes are reversed when menstruation kicks in; shedding off excess tissue so everything returns to pre-cycle status again before beginning a new one! The menstrual cycle length is the number of days starting from the first day when bleeding begins until the first day of the next month when bleeding begins again.

 Healthy menstrual cycles are a sign that the female body is functioning as expected. However, issues such as irregular or overwhelming periods may be indicative of an underlying medical issue and should not be overlooked.

 In addition to hormonal changes causing changes in the body, women may also notice changes in vaginal discharge. Vaginal discharge is a common occurrence in women and can vary drastically throughout their cycle. Usually clear or white, this fluid helps cleanse the vagina of bacteria and debris while preventing infection. However, if unusual in colour or volume it could be an indicator of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), often brought on by Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).

Infertility in men

For couples struggling to conceive, male infertility is a potentially contributing factor. One of the causes of this condition can be erectile dysfunction (ED) which makes it difficult for the man’s sperm to reach its destination to facilitate pregnancy. Additionally, if a man produces an insufficient amount or zero sperm at all then conception cannot occur naturally; even with healthy numbers, there could still be issues related to abnormal sperm morphology (i.e. shape) and how well each individual sperm cell moves since without appropriate locomotion fertilization will not take place either way.

Infertility in Women

Since females are the ones carrying the offspring, the weight of conceiving naturally falls more on them, not to forget mentioning the long gestation period throughout which one needs to stay healthy. But the contribution of the male partner’s health and fertility cannot be stressed enough.

Infertility could also be due to uterine issues, such as endometriosis, pelvic organ damage from a prior surgery, structural abnormalities in the uterus or ovaries, weakened egg quality, or irregular ovulation. Luckily there are treatments available for those affected by infertility such as hormone therapy, artificial insemination, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization (IVF), and surgeries to correct damage from previous procedures. It is important to know that treatment costs can vary greatly depending on the root cause of your fertility issues, and it’s recommended that anyone facing infertility issues seek professional guidance about their options.