Gynecologic Care

Gynecologic Care

Dr. Husnia Gargash IVF Centre is a full-service healthcare facility that delivers comprehensive care to women. From reproductive health to gynecologic care, the medical team at Dr. Husnia Gargash IVF Centre prides itself on providing personalized and efficient service.

Routine Gynecology Care

With expertise in diagnosing and treating a host of female health problems, including but not limited, to menstrual irregularities, endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian mass, cervical and genital infections, etc., our staff is always prepared to ensure your safety and well-being throughout your treatment plan

Cervical care

Cervical care is an important part of any woman’s healthcare routine. Cervical health plays an important role in a woman’s overall physical and mental well-being and at times, her reproductive health.

Cervical care includes regular Pap tests to detect the presence of precancerous or cancerous cells, patient education on the risks associated with cervical cancer and lifestyle changes like quitting smoking.  Colposcopy is done where deemed necessary.

Adolescent Gynecology Clinic

Adolescents often face many issues with their health, particularly in the gynecology field. Experienced and caring healthcare professionals at Adolescent Gynaecology Clinic provide dedicated, personalized attention to ensure that each teen’s needs are met. From PMS and Pre-Pubertal care to Menstruation visits, the Adolescent Gynaecology Clinic helps teens deal with the barrage of changes that come with growing up.

Our experts believe in providing both quality medical care as well as a safe space for teens to discuss their concerns openly and honestly. Adolescent Gynaecology Clinic is proud to be the premier choice in teen health services.

Menopause Clinic

Menopause can be a difficult time for many women, with symptoms ranging from hot flashes to insomnia, bowel and bladder disorders, and dyspareunia. Therefore, it is so important for those going through menopause to make sure they are receiving the care and support they need.

The menopause clinic at Dr. Husnia Gargash IVF Centre provides quality care through hormone replacement therapy, counseling services and lifestyle advice, helping ensure women have a smooth transition into a healthy life post-menopause. From offering services based not only on modern medicine but traditional therapies as well, we provide the expert and professional touch when it comes to helping women adjust post-menopause. With the proper care and support during this time, menopause can become something you look forward to instead of dreading


Dr. Husnia Gargash IVF Centre is dedicated to providing expert medical care for women’s reproductive health. Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic or therapeutic technique fundamental to gynecology. Our experts are highly trained in this technology and utilize it to diagnose, treat and/or surgically remove certain gynecological problems.This operation is performed in Gargash Hospital.